Creating White Space // Day 11 and 12

Day 11 and 12 in the Creating White Space series have been a bit less eventful. Just trying to practice the ideas I am learning, make progress toward my goals, and see where it takes me.

Some of my goals are going better then others. On day 11 I was able to carve out a significant amount of time in the morning and it definitely has a positive impact on the rest of the day. Day 12 not so much…

I haven’t done as well with the commitment to lessen my phone use in the morning and to be frank it might not be totally realistic considering I do a lot of “business” and taking care of details at that time. However, doing it for a period of time and still getting up before Cashel with time to do a few of the bigger chores and hit my devotion seems reasonable. If I can do it. I have been enjoying getting up a bit ahead of him.

Haven’t been outside as much as I’d like to be and I can feel it. I thrive on getting out. Like outside. Not just out running errands. A walk, trip to the park, working in my yard, playing with Cashel in our yard…. My goal is to enjoy these fall days over my long weekend – I work at the beginning of the week – so the rest of the week is more open. I also have a play date I want to make happen with a new friend and some planning ahead for December. I find these kinds of things as “white space creators.”

I am learning about the power of planning.

I’ve given about 12 items away – if not a bit more. Which is meeting a goal. And am hoping to do another big purge in our garage. Maybe this weekend?!

While I am hoping to begin updating and organizing the baby’s room.

I’m also creating space in our home for Cashel. I’m working on a play “hallway.” Our home doesn’t have  a lot of  any extra space so I’m getting creative. For example… a bookshelf on the stairwell landing for our books – the ones I just couldn’t give away. And at the top of the stairs in the hallway I am creating a space for Cashel to read, color, draw, imagine, and play. It’s starting to come together. Still missing a few small touches but I’m happy. I love seeing our whole space get utilized well. Clearing out space, creating white space, in a physical sense does help with this.

For now hear is a black and white sneak peek at our “Playway” – stay tuned for updates.

I’ve got more processing, floating around in my head and heart, but need a few days to really think…. stay tuned….

Psalm 39:4-5
“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.

    Remind me that my days are numbered—

    how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
    My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
    at best, each of us is but a breath.” 
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