Creating White Space // Day 21 & 22

So the theme here is irony. As I wrote my my Day about valuable weekend time and how can we carve out that time during the week I felt like this weekend was the opposite. Full, busy, and a tad crazy. Ironic I know. It was a full one, the craziest I’ve had in a while. However, I still find that the “white space” is there for the seizing if I take the time to identify it. I don’t think it is wrong for me (or anyone) to be busy. I think for some it is important. I think the white space is there too. Just different. I want to be able to be busy and still find the space.

Whether it’s quite moments pouring my thoughts onto my (virtual) paper. Or a fun outing with my parents and aunt while Benjamin stayed at home during the nap shift. A double date that brings laughter, and shared memories,  or making a meal for a friend’s birthday dinner – anticipating what joy it will bring her to not have to cook. (She’s always cooking and cleaning up) I find a lot of solace in cooking, writing, reading, visiting, learning, sharing, and listening.

Plus, choosing intentionally what I listen to (right now its the “Money Secrets of the Amish: Finding True Abundance in Simplicity, Sharing, and Saving” book by Lorilee Craker that I referenced in the Day 19 & 20 post) or what I don’t listen to, I am struck with the power of words and how much effect the inputs I allow into my mind have on my heart and spirit.

I’m being more intentional about the inputs. 

I feel like if nothing else this series has made me more aware. 
In honor of my cousin Jason who recently lost his battle to cancer leaving behind a beautiful wife and two darling children – ages 4 and 6 – I would dare to say… 
I’m becoming more mindful. (This was his mantra.)

I also had the chance to support some friends at a local bazaar and then headed to a Buy Nothing event – a Gift Swap. I was able to pick up several very meaningful gifts for my little man and am so excited to give him them for Christmas. Plus give a few things away and facilitate some of the donations and giftings with the leftovers from the event. It feels good. Being a part of this connectedness, relationship development, and generosity really refreshes me.

In the “Money Secrets of the Amish: Finding True Abundance in Simplicity, Sharing, and Saving”  there is a whole chapter, or more, on gifting and how to do it n a frugal and meaningful way. “Recycled.” One of the things that struck me was just how meaningful these “recycled” gifts can really be. Whether it is that you know the person well enough to seek out a used version of something they would love (and sometimes that takes time) or that you gift them something that has memorial value or something that carries tradition with it. I love these ideas.

I just think being intentional is becoming more of a priority for me and also coming a little bit more naturally.

Lessons I’m learning:
– I want to be intentional about the inputs in my life.
– Gift giving should be meaningful.
– Busyness is not bad – as long as you seek out the space.

Proverbs 4:23
More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it. (Common English Bible)
Guard your heart above all else, 
for it determines the course of your life. (NLT)
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