Present: hiatus



The weekend in San Jose was a physical hiatus. I was pulled out of the beautiful chaos that is our life with busy schedules, a house in upheaval, and three little boys, transplanted into a warm, sunny environment where my biggest responsibility was to feed myself. Glorious! But what I was reminded of was just how important time away like this is; for me, and for those I love. I was truly able to clear my mind and heart and to hear from the Lord. I didn’t plan this series nor did I realize it would fall at a time when I needed it the most. I didn’t realize this conference was even upon us, I purchased the tickets so long ago and life had just gotten the better of me. It snuck up and surprised me in the best possible way.

It also showed me how valuable writing is to me. While there we created a purpose statement, mine you can read here, and one of the things that popped up in two different categories but at this time didn’t make that final ‘top 3’ cut, were “composing things” and “writing.” I know what an important tool reading is in my life, but I’ve come to realize more recently just how crucial writing is as well. It’s an outlet and a place for me to process. I am not driven by readership or a following. I write to share and also to process. “Processing things” did make the cut in my mission statement and I believe it is because right now I also see that as a gift the Lord wants to grow in me and to use to His glory.

The hiatus was the stopping, the clearing, the time. And it proved fruitful.
Sometimes the hiatus looks likes the YMCA chapel with my journal and my Bible. Other times it s a short car ride without my kids (bless my husband for relieving me in this way whenever we have to drive two vehicles home). But the solo time, the silence, the moment to breathe and take in what is going on around me – a true hiatus – does wonders for my ability to be present in all the other louder and much fuller moments that make up my life.


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