Today’s white space was created by slowing down, being flexible, and changing plans when necessary. I think as a young adult I developed into a more flexible person, but as a Mother I have learned to practice flexibility even more.
A day spent with less rushing. We were going to go to a local play gym, but changed the plan so the day could be slower. Then in late afternoon I hit one of my goals and did a nice long walk with Cashel. It was cold, but beautiful. We saw animals – which he loved – and practiced saying “quack” when we saw ducks. Have I mentioned that he now has over 10 words. (Proud Momma moment).
We also picked up a cool stick I’m hoping to use for a project. Today served as a reminder of what slowing down can do. That being flexible is good for me, and a great lesson for Cashel. (It’s something that my hubby is really great at.) Plus in the end it resulted in changed plans for our evening and a great double date with our sister and brother-in-law. Again because we were flexible and changed the plan last minute.
I’m just struck with that concept. That many moments might be missed when we are so rigid with “plans” or “schedules.” There is a time and place for those things, but I am learning that also with them come the need for unexpected changes or flexibility. White space can be created that way.
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