This is definitely a useful post for you if you are expecting a child, but I will preface it with that this post is primarily for ME! For my own records and for “next time.” So be prepared for “practical and personal.” 🙂 Finding myself in “nesting mode.” It hit and then I got the […]
meet cashel ~ birth announcement
I made this announcement to mail out to family and friends. It was so hard to pick photos because we had so many wonderful ones captured by our friend Dave and my sister Tonie of Tonie Christine Photography. We included Cashel’s life verse – Psalm 22:10. “From the day I was born I have been […]
The "Boy-Co Bean" is Born ~ Our Birth Story
Not sure where it came from exactly but my husband has taken to calling our darling Cashel Rock “The Boy-Co Bean.” I have found myself using this adorable nickname as well and can’t help but wonder, again, where it comes from. 🙂 I guess I may never know. I’ve had several requests for our “birth […]
Baby Birthin'
We took our first birthing class this past Saturday and much to my relief Benjamin said he feels less worried or scared post class session. 🙂 I was particularly worried as I had promised him no “birth videos.” (Thinking he could come to the Newborn Essentials and Breastfeeding classes, but as it turned out this […]