I will admit it. I’m not a Super Mom. But who really is? I think we all have “that thing” or a few things that make a woman qualify as a “Super Mom.” For me they are the ones who make their own baby food. 🙂
So here’s the deal. My little man is a good eater, but as we are transitioning to finger foods I’m finding it a bit harder to get the veggies in. We don’t eat a lot of steamed veggies ourselves. We both like salads best. Not so good for a one year old with only 2.75 teeth.
Fruit is naturally soft for the most part so I have found it easier. I want my boy to love his veggies. And truthfully to love food in general. It’s one of the things I prayed the hardest for when I was pregnant.
I always thought I’d be the mom who made ALL my own baby food so I would “know exactly what my kid was eating.” I was and am not that Mom.
However, as we have hit this new finger food, more independent, phase I have had to be a bit more creative. Thankfully, on a whim when I was pregnant I bought some Squooshi pouches in a co-op buying group I am in. Got a good deal and they are the refillable kind. A zipper on the bottom and reusable lids let me make my own purée, freeze it, then fill the pouches.
So over time I’ve made a few rounds of my own purée and had a bit of fun, but now – more out if necessity- I found myself doing a late night “cuis” (as in cusinart) session. Got some really ripe bananas given to me by a friend, picked some kale from my yard, and diced up the few peaches I had. Filled my cusinart to the brim with half of each ingredient.
Filled my “water bottle ice cube tray” with the goods.
Did another batch that I funneled right into pouches since I had a double batch and only one tray. Put it all in the freezer and voila!
Plus I had made a partial batch earlier and frozen them so those got run under hot water – thats how you get the cylindrical shape out if the tray by melting it just a touch and laid them on a plate. Then two fit nicely in my snack size pouches and three into the larger size.
Way easier then I thought or then it sounds and seriously economical. This cost me nothing more then 30 minutes of my time. Bananas were a gift, kale from my yard and super soft peaches I forgot I bought. During a tight week financially and with a little man in a new phase I head to bed feeling a bit like Super Mom and hope it inspires you to try something. Maybe it’s making baby food yourself or maybe it’s trying something new that makes you feel like Super Mom…. Or Super Woman. I double dog dare you!
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