His Guilt: an Amish fiction review and GIVEAWAY

  His Guilt by Shelley Shepard Gray Did not disappoint. When given the chance to join this book tour with Litfuse Publicity group I jumped at the chance to read an Amish Fiction book by this New York Times best selling author. But I realized quickly it was the second in a series called “The […]

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The Captains Daughter: a review

The Captains Daughter by Jenifer Delamere is an engaging and exciting start  to the “London Beginnings” series.  The Bernay sisters are a promising and dynamic trio that will lead the story in several very different directions.  As the story unfolds you read about Rosalyn Bernay and Nate Moran.  I won’t give this exciting love story […]

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Never Unfriended: a modern reality and a review

Lisa Jo Baker did a phenomenal job creating a practical book to help those who are needing to develop friendships, go deeper in existing relationships, may find themselves lonely while in current, seemingly good friendships, or who are feeling isolated. I appreciated that she addressed people in all phases and provided Scriptural examples and encouragements […]

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