Benjamin and I have taken great time and found so much joy in naming our children and with our Fifth Firecracker, who we found out in July would be a girl, we felt very much the same. The task however felt a bit more daunting this time. With our patterns, preferences, and intentionality we found […]
Naming Another: fourth baby surprise
Each of our boys have received their names in line with a tradition. Cashel Rock arrived first, almost five years ago. Camper Phog who’s name may be the most unusual was named oh so close to his due date. With Corban Hawk we had his name selected a few months ahead but I honestly thought […]
He who shall not be named…?
We have such fun and challenging time naming our children. But at one point this time around I thought… will we have a name… or will he be “he who shall not be named…?” Here’s a post “What’s in a name?” about naming our first born son – Cashel Rock. Read about how we named […]