Corban Hawk’s birth story

For many of you you have already heard snippets of my birth story with Corban Hawk. But for the sake of my record and his memories I will start from the beginning…On December 9th I got a call from my midwives. Their license was still not in hand for the new birth center and they […]

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Having Babies: labor and delivery tips

Labor and delivery is so different for everyone. And mine were so similar to each other…. But here are a few tips. 1. Prepare for it all. 2. Be ready for the unexpected. 3. Write a birth plan, if that will help you. Be ready for your doctor to chuckle at you though – mine […]

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The naming game…

I had this (silly) notion that this time around picking a name would be easier. Or at least a lot like last time. Boy was I wrong! We had Cashel’s name selected months earlier in the pregnancy then we did with our second, whom we have affectionately called “Bro-Bro” or “New Baby.” I can’t tell […]

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