This is not the typical post you are all used to reading here on Inspiration Clothesline. I have always promised inspiration and truth and today that looks different than it typically does. Many of you are long-time readers and know me as a leader, volunteer, teacher, strong-voiced woman. I’ve never claimed anything else. However, I […]
Devotions from the Kitchen Table: A Review
Devotions from the Kitchen Table by Stacey Edwards is one I picked up because my parents’ kitchen table changed my life. And it changed, and continues to change, the lives of so many people. I have a love for “the table” and have written about it often here on Inspiration Clothesline. After reading the book […]
Illustrated Faith: the basics
I just hit my two year mark of illustrating my faith through Bible journaling. Like anything I have times where I do it more then others, but I can tell you when I am diving into God’s Word in this creative way I really feel like I can get to know His character and His […]
Becoming A Woman of Excellence: 5 tips and a Review
I’ve been reading, learning, and studying. I’ve been praying. I’ve started taking deep breaths, literally slowing my mind and physical body; and during some of the most stressful months I can remember to date I am finding peace. I am seeing growth. I am learning to be present and at peace. I am so grateful. […]