I’m coming at you for a quick post on Friday afternoon. I need a do over. Ever need one of those? Well today I’m desperate for a fresh start so it’s 3:00pm and when I get up from my desk… I’m officially pressing the reset button. The reset started with a shower and some good […]
Naming Another: fourth baby surprise
Each of our boys have received their names in line with a tradition. Cashel Rock arrived first, almost five years ago. Camper Phog who’s name may be the most unusual was named oh so close to his due date. With Corban Hawk we had his name selected a few months ahead but I honestly thought […]
For the Love of Trains
These little boys have taught me… Adventure is everywhere if only you will let it be. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. Moving, changing, and trying is where life begins. Friendship spans age, ability, and comes in the most unexpected ways. Laughter is the best medicine. Time is our greatest gift. And here […]