31 Days of Living Well Spending Zero – Day 2

Find out more about Ruth Soukup’s challenge here.
So the challenge started yesterday and I started with an intro and overview. You can read that here.

Moments I’m proud of today…

1. Free activity: trip to the library and we picked some fun books to share!

2. Free potluck contribution: we have a “first Friday” dinner with the family each month and my husband asked if we could bring something. Not having in my cupboard what I’d like to have brought I volunteered for dessert and checked recipes on Pinterest – peanut butter brownies from scratch! Find the recipe here. I love when I have all the ingredients on hand.

3. I so badly wanted to buy stamps (because I can’t put my fingers on my book of stamps) and I have a pen pal to write too…! But I resisted and I’m going to find the book I know I have at the house.

Things I didn’t spend money on today…

1. coffee – made my lattes at home today (yes that is plural) This has become more of a habit since I was gifted an espresso maker from a generous neighbor through our local Buy Nothing group last year. But I’ll admit it’s still tough to resist a strong cup o’ Jo from you know where.

2. packaging materials – I had a blog giveaway and I thanks to a random selector that chose someone (yay for Jaime) who was local I didn’t need to buy or pay for shipping the giveaway items. And for two other packages I reused envelopes I had.

3. no random trips to the grocery or big box store nearby!

Things I did spend on today…

1. postage (I dubbed this okay as the commitment was made before I knew about the challenge) and I’m blessing others…. ???? Maybe I shouldn’t have but I feel okay about it.

2. Gas (which is on our ok list) however we did commit to fewer frivolous trips and doing things close buy when we can.

I got the dishes done, counters cleared and I need to do my pantry inventory. But for now I’m going to start my book (yes it is one of the goals) and hope I can get to the inventory after a chapter or two…. Okay scratch that. The awesome photos on instagram with the #31daysofLWSZ hashtag inspired me to start with the pantry inventory and I’ll read the chapters tonight after kids go to bed. Take a look at the pantry inventory here.  šŸ™‚ Off to a great start on Day 1.
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