The weekend in San Jose was a physical hiatus. I was pulled out of the beautiful chaos that is our life with busy schedules, a house in upheaval, and three little boys, transplanted into a warm, sunny environment where my biggest responsibility was to feed myself. Glorious! But what I was reminded of was […]
Present: connectedness
Connectedness is a gift. As I’ve seen connectedness in my relationships but also between my mind, body, and spirit I am reminded what a blessing it is to see God orchestrate our lives. Our weekend came to a close and I sat with Maggie on the airplane pouring over our weekend’s notes. I was struck […]
Present: focus
When we are present we can pursue our purpose and as we fulfill our purpose we are able to be present – it really is a beautiful cycle. How do we do this though? I keep coming back to that question of “how?” One thing I know for sure is that focus is a key component. […]
Present: escape
I’m off on an “escape” and it’s amazing to me how perfect God’s timing is. This trip was booked many months ago and fell not only during one of the craziest times I’ve experienced as an adult, but also right smack dap in the first week of this series. In the words of Patsy Clairmont, […]