Amateur Artist

“Every artist was first an amateur.”Ralph Waldo Emerson I consider myself and amateur. But hopefully you will be inspired. I created my idea list; hung it on a clothes line in my “hobby room”…. Be prepared.I hope you find some:inspirationmotivationaspiration Facebook Comments Box

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Our girls this Christmas!

Ipa-Mae, Marely-Moe, and Dosey-Doe are truly “our girls” and have become such a part of our lives. Just had to share a few favorite holiday photos! These photos of Dosey were taken by our friend Douglas, from Ireland, when he was visiting. He really imortalized her personality in these shots. 🙂 Tonie really captured Moe-Moe […]

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A cake portfolio.

Ben started making cakes for competitions with his family when he was a boyscout. His first cake, since he met Alex, was a 9 inch monkey that was part of a the 12 days of birthday he gave Alex in 2007. Then came the idea that Ben would make a groom’s cake for their wedding. […]

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