Endless Mercy – fiction review

Endless Mercy by Tracie Peterson and Kimberly Woodhouse is the second in The Treasures of Nome series. (The first in the series is titled Forever Hidden.) I love when I accidently request to review a second in a series without having read the first, simply because it gives me even more to read! This series […]

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Faith’s Mountain Home – fiction review

Faith’s Mountain Home by Misty Beller is a third installment in the “Hearts of Montana” series. Beller is a master of these series novels as she so perfectly incorporates characters from past stories so you still get to know about the lives of the friends you made in previous books. The third installment in the […]

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2020 Family Update

This year is marked with strangeness, but our goal has been to take each new day in stride and make the most of what we have been given. This means it has also been marked with unprecedented creativity. We look back and see the growth, new insights, and change we gained this year as some […]

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