Present: hiatus

  The weekend in San Jose was a physical hiatus. I was pulled out of the beautiful chaos that is our life with busy schedules, a house in upheaval, and three little boys, transplanted into a warm, sunny environment where my biggest responsibility was to feed myself. Glorious! But what I was reminded of was […]

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Seasonal Snack – Ghostly Banana Muffins

I love the seasons and anything festive! So when I signed up to do snack for Cashel’s preschool my wheels  started spinning. I remember last year when we did our very first “snacktime” at AWANA where it was our turn to bring snacks. I had the thought “this is the first time, of many, that […]

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Present: connectedness

Connectedness is a gift.  As I’ve seen connectedness in my relationships but also between my mind, body, and spirit I am reminded what a blessing it is to see God orchestrate our lives. Our weekend came to a close and I sat with Maggie on the airplane pouring over our weekend’s notes. I was struck […]

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