Resurrection Eggs are a family tradition for us. I used to use them in my classroom and created several centers based on them. You can buy them pre-made but why not make them yourself. Or even make creating them a family activity at the beginning of the Easter season….
I love these Easter story cards you can print off too!
Here are the items to put in your eggs:
12 plastic eggs
an egg carton
a small leaf to represent a palm branch at Jesus’ triumphal entry
3 coins (I suggest dimes as they are small and silver) to represent the 30 pieces of silver that Judas Iscariot received
a thimble to represent a cup at the Last Supper
a tiny piece of paper rolled into a scroll to represent Jesus’ prayer in the garden or a tracing of your child’s praying hands)
a piece of leather or thick fabric to represent the soldier’s whipping Jesus
a tiny crown made from grass or a flower stem to represent the crown of thorns
2 nails to represent the nails and the cross (you can tie them in a cross shape too)
a dice to represent the soldier’s casting lots for Jesus’ clothes
a toothpick with one end broken off to represent the spear piercing Jesus’ side
a piece of cheesecloth or thin fabric to represent Joseph wrapping Jesus in clean linen cloth
a rock to represent the stone rolled in front of the tomb
one empty egg to represent the empty tomb
number stickers, optional
resurrection eggs cheat sheet
Or here are the Bible verses I use with mine:
1. Matthew 21:9 – donkey or palm branch
2. Matthew 26:14-15 – coins
3. Matthew 26:26-28 – cup
4. Matthew 26:39 – scroll/hands
5. Mark 15:15 – whip
6. Matthew 27:29 – crown of thorns
7. Matthew 27:31 – nails/cross
8. Matthew 27:35 – dice
9. John 19:34 – spear
10. Matthew 27:59 – linen
11. Matthew 27:66 – stone
12. Matthew 28:25 – empty tomb
I would love to hear your stories about creating and using Resurrection Eggs with your family. Or other ways your family shares the story of Jesus death and resurrection with your young children.