It’s hard but it gets easier. It’s worth the time and effort. It’s okay if you decide differently for you and your baby. 1. Take a class! Especially with the first one. And insist your husband go along. My husband who was totally reticent to take any classes said the breastfeeding one was […]
Having Babies: bringing baby home
1. Don’t forget the soap. With Cashel I forgot to have soap and hand sanitizer on hand. You’ll be doing a lot with bodily fluids and soap is handy! Ben actually bought me a bouquet of soap before Camper was born. He headed to Bath & Body works and chose, on sale, a […]
Having Babies: family, friends and postpartum help…
Here’s the brief low down on HELP…. 1. Say yes… accept help. 2. Have a list and post it somewhere in your home. 3. Communicate your needs and wants. 4. Know yourself and ask those who will minimize your stress to help you – let them know ahead of times things you see […]
Having Babies: labor and delivery tips
Labor and delivery is so different for everyone. And mine were so similar to each other…. But here are a few tips. 1. Prepare for it all. 2. Be ready for the unexpected. 3. Write a birth plan, if that will help you. Be ready for your doctor to chuckle at you though – mine […]