For many of you you have already heard snippets of my birth story with Corban Hawk. But for the sake of my record and his memories I will start from the beginning…On December 9th I got a call from my midwives. Their license was still not in hand for the new birth center and they […]
Crazy, lovely mess we call family…
This is our crazy lovely mess! It’s the best gift God has ever given me, these three boys and man they call “Papa.” I am overwhelmed with what it means to be a family. What it means to love each other well and to serve Jesus together. We know we are blessed, and count those […]
He who shall not be named…?
We have such fun and challenging time naming our children. But at one point this time around I thought… will we have a name… or will he be “he who shall not be named…?” Here’s a post “What’s in a name?” about naming our first born son – Cashel Rock. Read about how we named […]
A Paint Party… It’s a…
We went back and forth so much on how to find out if Baby 3 is a boy or a girl. Finally we settled on an outdoor paint party where the guests shot us with paint filled squirt guns. We were shocked and thrilled to find out that Baby 3 is a boy! Third time […]