An Uncommon Woman by Laura Frantz immediately captured my attention. Usually it is Frantz’s name that draws me to a book as I trust her stories to be beautifully woven time and time again. This time however it was the title! I just couldn’t resist. Frantz is a talented writer with vivid vocabulary and the […]
One More River to Cross: fiction review
Jane Kirkpatrick is known for her detailed story telling and deep characters. One More River to Cross by Kirkpatrick is no exception. The story is so historically rich and the characters both deep and diverse. This is a story of true heroism; families traveling, ultimately, as the first to settle into California in the 1840’s. […]
The Girl Behind the Red Rope: a religious thriller?
Dooms day, cults, religious thriller? Not the typical book you’d see me reading or sharing here, but The Girl Behind the Red Rope had me at the book description (which you can read below) and then the first few pages totally captivated my attention. I both read the hard copy and listened through Audible and neither […]
The Light Before Day: Historical Fiction Review and GIVEAWAY
I’m not sure when I have so thoroughly enjoyed a trilogy! Not only is The Light Before Day, the third book in the “Nantuckett Legacy” series, a wonderful historical tale; but it is so relevant today. Suzanne Woods Fisher tackles important themes like segregation, integrity in journalism, valuing women and minorities, and what living out faith […]