A Rumored Fortune: Christian Fiction book review

As a second book by Joanna Davidson Politano , A Rumored Fortune is a total treasure! I also had the pleasure of reading Lady Jayne Disappears which was Politano’s first novel and was an award winning debut and I highly recommend it. I would anticipate this novel will do just as well since I was equally captivating and […]

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Minding the Light: fiction review

It’s not often that I utilize a digital book. I just prefer to have the book in my hands. That being said, after reading Phoebe’s Light the first in the Nantucket Legacy and so thoroughly enjoying it I just couldn’t say no when the format offered to me was digital. Read my review of Phoebe’s […]

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Phoebe’s Light: Quaker Fiction Review & a recipe

Suzanne Fisher Woods is a master of story, paying considerable attention to historical accuracy and details. The tandem storylines in this book draw you in and keep you on the edge of your seat as you see how they intertwine and connect. What a precious and interesting gift Phoebe receives when she turns 18 and […]

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All Summer Long: Book Review

  All Summer Long by Melody Carson was a perfect summer read.  Filled with summer festivities, boat rides, and excellent food I found my reading appetite satiated with this fun story.  A simple story line with some delightful characters. Truly it was just the perfect lighthearted read I needed for the summer. I found myself […]

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