Suzanne Woods Fisher’s brand new novel The Moonlight School does not disappoint. Fisher is a brilliant and reliable author. Not only can you count on a fascinating story and historical accuracy, but also a daring to dabble in current issues and challenging cultural norms. In this novel education and literacy and the impact it has […]
On a Coastal Breeze – fiction review
On a Coastal Breeze by Suzanne Woods Fisher had me enthralled. I couldn’t put it down! It was a fantastic follow-up to On a Summer Tide from the Three Sisters Island series. Not only did Fisher create relatable, believable, and insightful characters; but the setting and dynamic between these unique island folk is totally charming and […]
Stitches in Time: a review and GIVEAWAY
Suzanne Woods Fisher is an author I look for with great anticipation. I have found her stories to not only be engaging to read, but challenging to me spiritually. There is always the interesting storyline that I am immersed in, but beneath the story there is also a lesson my heart needs to hear. I […]
On a Summer Tide: Review and Giveaway
This was such a fun Memorial Day weekend read, the book culminated on Memorial Day and I completed it just as our Memorial Day camping weekend came to a close. It was the perfect companion on our weekend away. I devoured it and I am so glad there will be more to come. Suzanne Woods […]