Here are a few of my favorite “read aloud” chapter books. These are great in the classroom or as read alouds at home.
Before bed, after dinner, part of a naptime routine… when could you insert some read aloud time into your child’s life?
The best thing you can do to build your child’s early literacy is to expose them to books (on shelves, in baskets, at their level) and to read to them. In school, after I read aloud, I have them draw something that took place while I read that day. You can do this too. Get a composition book or spiral notebook and let the drawing time be a special wind down time each day.
Just like anything you need to build stamina with your child(ren). Start with shorter spurts and in no time you will see that they can sit still, actively listening, for much longer periods of time. I also ask them to “tune in to interesting words” telling me words that sound fun to their ear or that stump them. I model reading strategies like “going back to reread” when I make a mistake, “checking for understanding” at the end of the page. I ask “who are we reading about?” and “What are we reading about?” If we can’t answer those questions we “back up and re-read.” And I say all this as I am reading. Narrate your strategies for your child. That way they can talk about their reading strategies.
Reading aloud is also a great way to demonstrate fluency. You can read the words accurately and with expression and understand what you read.
We work hard to read “good fit books” whenever possible too. These are “I PICK” books, see the following acronym. The reader chose the book, (I chose) can tell you why they want to read it, (purpose) that is interesting to the reader, (interest) that the reader can understand, (comprehension) and a book in which the reader knows most of the words. (know)
I: I chose
P: Purpose
I: Interst
C: Comprehension
K: Know
**I go this from The 2 Sisters and their literacy program called CAFE.**
Anyway on to the point – the reason for which you are reading.
Here are some fantastic read aloud chapter books that should spur on some great conversations. They are good for all ages!
The BFG by Roald Dahl
Ramona the Pest by Beverly Cleary
Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo
Clementine by Sara Pennypacker
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle by Betty MacDonald
Ruby Holler by Sharon Creech
Charlotte’s Web or Stuart Little by E.B. White