Motherhood changes everything.

 Motherhood in all it’s glory, hardship, personal challenge, growth, and just plain confusion. I have been transformed by motherhood, it is the single most transformative journey I have been on. Parts of it have been for the better, so much better. But Motherhood has also brought out the ugliest, most challenging parts of me. That’s sad, […]

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Keeping my boys occupied is seriously a challenging part of my everyday existence. I know those out there spending any number of hours with kids in a day, let alone being their primary caregiver for 10-12 of the hours in a day, will agree. But let me tell you that when they are occupied, I […]

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The Magic of Motherhood: book review

  This book, The Magic of Motherhood, by Ashlee Gadd is so perfectly titled. Magic is so elusive and uncertain, just like Motherhood. It is enthralling, can be exhausting (especially when trying to figure it out), and wholly engaging – mind, body, and spirit. The essays in this book address each of these key components […]

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Spring time preschool snack

I have one very creative and curious four and a half year-old.  I find myself looking for activities to fill the late afternoon hours while his brothers sleep and he just wants to chat, create, or “do something Momma.”  Recently Cashel has really grown in the area of focus and  in his pure love of […]

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