What a great book for kids based on 19 stories from the Bible. Each of the “stories,” portrayed by beautiful two page spreads, highlight words that are perfect for kids 0-5 to learn these key Bible stories and just use simple language. We snagged this to put in an Easter basket for our youngest (1.5) […]
Baby Must Haves: Round Four
As I’m entering the second trimester of pregnancy, this is the time for me to get things done since I’m not sick or huge. I’ve started thinking about how I will prepare for baby number four. We’ve moved the big boys back into one room, which hasn’t been the case for a couple of months, […]
Constant Companion :: Lily Jade Bag Review
Be honest, baby bags are not the best part of Motherhood. Schlepping stuff everywhere you go, you truly begin to feel like a pack mule. Let me tell you I have tried a significant number of brands and styles – trying new things each time I had another baby – but the third time was […]
Camper’s Golden Twos
Our Camper turned two last year on March 2nd – it was his golden birthday – and boy was this second year GOLDEN. He and I headed out on a special outing to celebrate saying goodbye to the golden two’s since tomorrow is his third birthday. I so thoroughly enjoy each age, and loving my […]