A couple weeks ago my husband and I were laying in bed, chatting. We talked about what we want our kids to see us doing… And ultimately we knew we wanted them to see us serving, doing God’s mission together. And we want to teach them to do it too, as a family.
Honestly we weren’t sure where to go from there. Our callings, and giftings seem quite different. But I told him I would join him in anything he wanted us to do…
Well guess what?
As God started to lay “the table” on my heart, and freedom dinners begin to take form, Ben got on board.
He sent me a list of potential locations
After the first text I thought… “Wow! His support means the world.”
After the next few texts something began to change… It started to feel like maybe it was his dream too. And believing that God is going to take a “challenge” and turn it into a “blessing.” The challenge of being in a small house, that I wasn’t sure how to work with… Blessing…? My husband and I working together on a dream, being faithful with what we have!
PS We found the cast iron pan! 😉
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