We’d like to invite you ALL to the Kids Taking Photos For Kids “Final Hour Auction” on May 13th 2010. Tonie Duchemin, Miss West Sound 2010 is hosting, in conjunction with Christ the King Acadmey. This fundraiser benefits Childrne’s Miracle Network, and all your donations go right toward this great cause. It will take place at Christ Memorial Church in “The Hall.”
Visit www.misswestsound.org to print off your own set of invitations!
You will also have a chance to view and bid on the children’s artwork during the first 2 weeks of May. They will displayed in businesses in downtown Poulsbo. You can also add “Tonie Duchemin” on facebook and then visit the event site so you can bid there.
The Final Hour Auction will be your last chance to bid and to go home with a BEAUTIFUL piece of art. The artists are students from all across Kitsap Penninsula. You don’t want to miss this! Last year’s event was a HUGE success and we expect this year to be even better. Dessert, live music, a Kitsap Blue Jackets raffle, and a chance to ask Tonie Duchemin, the first ever Miss West Sound, a question you’ve been dying to ask of Miss America….
Hope to see you there!