Here is the whole group. And yes NO one knows. So you literally see their initial reactions as the balloons are released. I encourage you to click on the photos to enlarge them so you can really see the reactions. They are priceless! I also love that those to the left of the box in […]
Are we crazy? How did we ever agree to this?!
Originally I really didn’t want to know if Baby J was a boy or a girl. However, we have been having a very hard time with names, and that might just be an understatement, so I ultimately decided it would help narrow our thinking. Plus my husband, who is one of the most giving and […]
day eight
*a photo that makes you laugh* this photo will always make me laugh! taken in February of 2009 at a fundraiser my sister started called “Dance Through The Decades: Dance-a-thon.” procedes benefit Children’s Miracle Network. we dressed according to decade. can you guess which we were from? during the first year of this fundraiser my husband and […]
Kids Taking Photos For Kids
We’d like to invite you ALL to the Kids Taking Photos For Kids “Final Hour Auction” on May 13th 2010. Tonie Duchemin, Miss West Sound 2010 is hosting, in conjunction with Christ the King Acadmey. This fundraiser benefits Childrne’s Miracle Network, and all your donations go right toward this great cause. It will take place […]