What is true about you? Don’t we all ask this of ourselves more than we would like to admit? I know I have gone through times in my life where that question was easy (or just easier) to answer than in other phases. I’ve created a quiz to help you get starting thinking about what […]
Encourage Each Other: it’s a dare
So this week I’ll be coming at you with bits of encouragement. My goal here on Inspiration Clothesline is always to inspire you! My hope… that you can relate, find yourself in something I share, or identify in some way. This week I am hoping I can encourage your heart and mind – maybe you […]
Illustrated Faith Persevere Kit Review
This month a new Illustrated Faith Kit was produced by DaySpring Cards and boy is it different. The new Persevere Kit is a big change! I believe change is good, although many of us would say “I’m not good with change.” It’s when things change that we can grow, that we are given an opportunity […]
“I am” Illustrated Faith Kit Review
I was so thrilled to receive this beautiful devotional and supply kit designed by Illustrated Faith’s Melissa Garcia (@pienthesky) and produced by DaySpring.com. “I Am” explores 14 concepts finishing the sentence, “I am…” with words like capable, daughter, patient, faithful… ” The topic is so perfect, and he subtitle of “Digging Deeper” really spoke to […]