I have found what having open Saturdays can do for our family. Often we are I am very quick to schedule them out as we see them as a day that we can all do something together. It is really the only day my hubby has off completely. We are very involved with our local church and […]
Creating White Space // Day 07
Today’s white space was created by slowing down, being flexible, and changing plans when necessary. I think as a young adult I developed into a more flexible person, but as a Mother I have learned to practice flexibility even more. A day spent with less rushing. We were going to go to a local play […]
Creating White Space // Day 06
Mental White Space Sometimes the time is filled but you are still creating and experiencing mental white space. For me this took place a couple of times today. First, when I didn’t “clear out my social media” – checking messages until mid day during nap time. Which I usually do laying in bed when I […]
Creating White Space // Day 05
While yesterday taught me that being intentional creates white space today’s lesson was a confirmation of that on the opposite side of the spectrum. I see that when not I’m not intentional white space is not created. My “failings” and frustrations from today include 1. rolling out of bed late at the sound of my […]