In honor of my 3rd wedding anniversary tomorrow I am going to do a series of “memory lane” entries. Plus it’s a chance for you to get to know me, my man (whom I affectionately call Jamin), and my family.
What a great series… so much fun to REMEMBER!
Let’s start with some of my very favorite engagement shots!
This is looking out over a little home town and just a bit further was the site where we got married across the bay.
We have so much fun together!
This was there when we got there. Couldn’t have been more perfect. 🙂
This is our typical “walk spot” on our nights off together. I loved having our engagements shots taken in “our spots.” 🙂
This is the directly across the bay from our wedding site. 🙂
We love spending time on the water.
And then our “gettaway vehicle” from the wedding site was a boat and we came right in to this dock into downtown!” So cool.
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