This first entry is a brief glimpse of life before Ben and Alex became “The Jacobsons”.
Our Story in a Nutshell
Ben and Alex met through newlife youth, and spent their first month dating “long distance” as Alex commuted from Bellingham to be a part of the newlife youth staff.
We began dating in September of 2006 and it didn’t take long for both parties to realize they had found “the one.” Alex knew she loved Ben on Christmas Eve of 2006 as she sat with his family around a fire and read the Christmas story. She held off sharing her feelings until Ben first said “I love you” at the Cheesecake Factory on December 28, 2006. We had taken a special trip to Seattle to see the Nutcracker.
In 2006 Ben shared with his parents over New Year’s Eve dinner that his New Year’s Resolution was that he would be enganged within the year. As Alex sat and listend, she was in disbelief.
Sure enough, and true to his word, he proposed on December 30, 2007 in front of 40+ family and friends.
We are best friends and so looked foward to what God had in store for us. We are ready and willing to be used by Him.
The engagement story.
Mother and daughter both proposed to in the same week!
On December 24th at the Duchemin family Christmas party Alex’s dad, Michael, gave her mother Wendy a special gift. He gave her 3 things he hadn’t give her 25 years prior when they just decided, together, to get married.
He had 3 things for her. First, he got on one knee. Secondly he officially asked her to marry him and finally he presented her with her first diamond ring. Family members watched as a nervous Michael fulilled his plan and a completely shocked Wendy accepted the proposal and put on her first diamond ring.
Six days later on December 30th Ben followed suit with 3 special things of his own. Alex was completely clueless. Just to prove the point, 20 minutes before Ben propsed Alex was in sweatpants and an oversized sweatshirt at home watching TLC’s “Say Yes to the Dress” a new wedding show about the “perfect dress.”
Ben was supposed to be napping (but couldn’t due to a rapidly beating heartrate). At 7 o’clock he insisted that Alex put her “cute clothes,” from earlier that day, back on, and that they be on time to game night at the Duchemin’s. Alex let her displeasure with this request be made known, but much to her chargrin Alex honored the request and off they went.
Still unbeknownst to Alex, Ben began his proposal on the short drive to her folks’ house. Ben began the proposal by sharing 2 of his 3 things. The first was that Ben was “amazed at how much he loved her. He had realized how much their love had transformed from a ‘butterflies in the stomach’ kind of love to a deep and passionate love.” The second thing was that he “realized that their love was for always, that it was unconditional and had no strings attached.”
The third and final thing he wanted to say, he told Alex he wanted to share in front of her family. Again to clarify, Ben is typically a very romantic man and Alex was still clueless. She put their dog IPA under her arm and trucked it inside to the supposed “game night”. As she entered the house she saw 40+ family members and friends from across the state. Finally it hit her and she broke down.
Ben embraced her and had to physically scoot her into the kitchen. As she backed away, due to being completely overwhelmed, Ben got on one knee and shared his third thing. He said “And finally I want you to know that I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. Will you marry me?” Sobbing and overwhelmed Alex shouted, “Yes!”
This was the most precious moment. Ben had so surprised Alex that all she could do was hug him. Overwhelmed would be an understatement. We make the best team!
They then joined the party. Family, food, and photos – Ben had planned the engagement party and Alex couldn’t have been more honored to call herself Ben’s fiance.
The deal was sealed.
Alex had one week left of Winter Vacation – and we began planning our June 14th wedding. Only one day after school let out for the summer we would be gettin’ hitched and we had to get the ball rolling.