Call MY Midwife

My personal experience with midwifery was such a positive one I just have to share. I want every woman to feel as empowered in pregnancy and delivery as I did in this pregnancy. (I do not love, or even really like pregnancy; but am amazed by the miracle, feel blessed to have had the opportunity, and wanted to embrace the experience.)

There were a few reasons I switched to using a midwife with my third pregnancy.

First, I have always wanted to utilize this route but for several important reasons I have never had the option, or at least felt I did.

Secondly, I began to fill like there was a better fit for me out there.

And finally, I wanted something different. I just needed a change.

This was my third pregnancy, the first two I had great care from a wonderful OB and birthed at a local hospital. Both times my doctor was unable to deliver my babies and each was it’s own unique experience. You can read about my first birth with Cashel here, and my second birth with Camper here. But I need to tell you I learned more in two months with my midwives than I have in 3 full pregnancies.

I thought I would share a few of those insights, tips, and bits of knowledge here. My goal is to share some things I learned, and also pique the interest of some women who may be considering, or will after reading my post, to look into alternative birthing and partum care.

On the off chance that you are not a woman or a pregnant… Just skip this post. 🙂 However, these tidbits could help those supporting pregnant and postpartum women as well.

Not only was the birth of this baby very different then others, you can read Corban’s exciting birth story here on my blog; but it was also the weeks leading up to it that were so distinctly different.

I made the switch late in the game and right about the time I was supposed to have a glucose test done. I missed the test and was late in getting evaluated for Gestational Diabetes because of it. The first thing I learned, quickly, was that there are alternative ways to be tested and it’s up to you if you want the test and if you do how you’d like to take it. You can test yourself at home for a week, examining your glucose numbers, you can drink that “nasty” glucola drink or you can also eat sweets as an alternative. This was a great way to start with a midwife as I learned right off the bat that things would be up to me, completely. That I would always be given options and that ultimately I would have the decision handed over to me to make completely.

The next experience I had was that they would keep me completely in the loop. When my ultrasound pictures finally arrived we found out that the technician had not had a clear look at Corban’s heart. This was alarming as I had not been previously told this. They had not been able to see all four ventricles of his heart. My midwives gave me the option to have another ultrasound to verify all was well. Again I was given all the facts and we got to make the decision to have another ultrasound.

Then my Gestational Diabetes test came back and my numbers were high. I was devastated. I thought this would take me out of the running to have a birth with midwives. Again, they walked me through my options and I quickly learned that I could stay in their care. They did need me to stay primarily in a healthy range when testing at home using diet and exercise but said if I could do that – then I could remain in their care. I worked my tail off and had fewer then 10% of my numbers “out of healthy range” which is truly amazing.

On to yet another wonderful thing I learned about… a wonderful tincture that you take 5 weeks prior to your due date that “helps your body prepare for childbirth.”

The midwives from Gumnut Blossom Midwifery suggested I take “gentle birth w/o blue cohosh” a tincture that helps with postpartum healing. Ladies I tell you I swear by the stuff! Just read a few of the reviews online and you’ll be as convinced as I was. Then I used it, I’ll never have a baby without it again. You just put a dropper or two full in a small glass of water 2-3 times fail starting at about 5 weeks pre estimated due date. You want to be sure to get the one without blue cohosh as that can induce labor… I made the mistake of ordering the wrong one and had to wait additional days to get started so look closely when you order. Not only do I truly believe and help me postpartum, but it gave me something to do daily that help me feel like I was preparing for labor, delivery and postpartum healing.

From the bottle…

About the Product

  • Less Pain during labor and delivery*
  • Advanced Dilation before discomfort was felt*
  • Shorter and Easier Labor*
  • Shorter Recovery Time*
  • Over 90% of women who tried the Original Gentle Birth Formula recommend it to family and friends!

A few more things I learned after I delivered Corban (again I didn’t know these things before and they are just examples of interesting, useful alternatives that my midwives provided to me, and information I learned during my care.)


– Using olive oil on your baby’s buns in the first few days will help that dark, sticky, black meconium slide off their bottom instead of having to fight with the stickiness…
– Emptying your bladder postpartum is important, not just once but frequently, because a full bladder can inhibit the uterus from clamping down and returning to a more normal size. This can help control postpartum bleeding.

– The uterine cramping postpartum on your third baby definitely can get worse. The ladies had me taking ibuprofen and then added mothers wort drops that I added to some juice. They help a lot with pain. They were a couple of other options too just in case my local grocery/vitamin shop did not have it. (They are black caw, or a cramp bark)- I was also given some yoga positions to use when they believe Corban was sunny side up. Again I used their tips and in the end Corban was facing down for delivery, for which I am so grateful.

– They also suggested other supplements. Some of which I used and others I did not.

– In my postpartum care they covered birth control options. Including the copper IUD – which does not use hormones (my preference). This was not something I had ever been told about before.

– When it came time to decide on where I would have my baby (I live far away from the birth center and even farther from local hospitals) and we had to decide, since the Salmonberry Birth Center still had not received their license, where I would deliver they truly weighed everything with me. They were honest, helpful, and practical. They enabled me to make a confident and informed decision.

I could go on and on. But here’s the deal. I was so impressed with the quality of care both I and Corban received from my midwives. I spent more time in the first 2 visits with the midwives then I did in all my pregnancy care with my OB/GYN. (Who by the way is incredible, she is just so so busy). They truly got to know me, my body, and my baby.One of my most favorite things was just how interested they were in my belly, the baby’s position, and in truly teaching me about myself. I learned how to really feel my baby’s position, and fell in love with that pregnant belly.

And finally when I had problems with mastitis, questions about post partum healing, and even just wondered about something going on with me or my baby boy they were just a text or phone call away. They are always there for me both in care and in relationship.

This was the personal experience I wanted. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.
 I have since shared more tips and insights to home and water birth in a post called
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1 Comment

  1. Thank you sharing your experience Alex! As a future mother (I hope!) also far from hospitals and other traditional locations I love your input and perspective. I am sure I will ask more questions when the time comes 🙂

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