Camper’s nursery needed some serious work. Not much in terms of decorations. We did that leg work before Cashel arrived when we created his nursery. Take a tour of it in 2012 here. BUT in the meantime it became a storage room. I spent a week doing laundry of baby boy clothing that I had lent to my nephew. Then another few days cleaning it out and organizing.
I changed up a few key things so I thought I’d share. In the end I like it even more then I did when Cashel lived there. 🙂
The mobile hanging from the ceiling that I made, came down. I replaced it with the beachy one you see hanging here and a more practical kid friendly one that a friend gifted me.
(Also want to restate that our beloved Auntie Em made the art that is framed above the crib – it was there before but I feel like it pops even more now!)
One of my first sewing projects – a bunting for his crib!
I chose fabric that would pull out different colors this time around. I am in love with these buntings. Gray, chartreuse, teal, and white bring out the colors in my nursing chair and the artwork made by Auntie Em. Plus, I think they are perfect with the gray walls, white wainscoting and crib, and the black changing station/dresser and black end table.
At my friend Diana‘s baby shower, that had a sailing theme, the favor made by my friend Nicole of Inspired Joy Films were these adorable clothespins. She came up with the idea sans Pinterest if you can believe that! The clothespins were covered in decorative washi tape, she then wrapped in a long length of twine and held a wee not that said “Thanks for sailing by.” Such a fun idea!
I saved them almost a whole year to use in the nursery. Then I just cut out some paper flags (triangles) and on the top row are newborn pictures of me, big brother Cashel, and empty pin for Camper’s picture, and of his Papa. A special addition for sure.
At our “Stache or Sash Bash,” a gender reveal party, we had guest write notes (on simple brown paper) to “Baby J” who didn’t have a name at the time. Framed – it became a treasured piece of art. We did this for Cashel too so it was fun to have one that was for Camp too. The “ABC” book is also a new addition. The hostesses of my “Duck, Duck, Brunch” baby shower created this and has Bible verses fore each letter of the alphabet. So special.
This is mostly the same from when Cashel lived here. For Camper we received the adorable sweater, a small, silver piggy bank, an ABC pewter photo frame, and a fun teal “C” that I added to the shelf in order to be personalize the room for Camp.
This might be my favorite addition. I made the fabric and quilter’s hoop art to replace a piece of watercolor art that my cousin made for Cashel. Then this hanging rack was gifted to me from my wonderful Buy Nothing Community and right now has special outfits that my husband’s Mom saved from when he was a baby. So stinking sweet.
(This is right behind the door and I look at it as I sit in my nursing chair.)
Here is a view of most of the room from the doorway. The nursing chair was my Mother’s Day and birthday gift in 2012 right before Cashel was born. Still in love with it. My hubby did good – he picked it out all by himself. Another addition (not too visible here) was the small end table next to the nursing chair, and the lamp. I received both of those from Buy Nothing Community members too. I found I needed a spot for nursing supplies, my iPad and a lamp to use for middle of the night feedings. This was a really cute and functional addition.
A view of the beloved closet that provides SO much storage and the changing station we created just on top of a dresser.
My friend Robin made this for Camper and it is just too cute not to share.
Our sweet “Happy Camper” has brought us so much joy and I’m so glad he has this special place to call his own…. for now. 😉
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