We took our first birthing class this past Saturday and much to my relief Benjamin said he feels less worried or scared post class session. 🙂 I was particularly worried as I had promised him no “birth videos.” (Thinking he could come to the Newborn Essentials and Breastfeeding classes, but as it turned out this […]
It’s a…..
…. an acrobat! 10 oz. Heart rate 165 bpm 18.5 weeks Healthy! But won’t know the gender for 3 more weeks until after the gender reveal party! Waddle it be?
Baby J… vs. Baby Jay
Something you must know about “us” is that my husband grew up in Lawrence, Kansas and we are BIG jayhawks fans. I must admit that the first time I pulled into my in-laws yard I wondered to myself, “What is with the cartoon bird?” They have a stone, yard art, with the jayhawk carved into […]
April is the month we find out! Waddle it be?
April is the month we find out if we are having a boy or a girl Baby J! And yes it is confirmed that there is only one coming our way this fall. We are so excited. I originally did not want to know, but as time has passed it has become clearer that we […]