Oh my!
I can’t believe it has been a year since Ben surprised me for my birthday, that fell on Easter last year, with a kitten.
Our sweet “Goose” came home just a year ago and our life wouldn’t be the same without her!
Read about the fun story here in my original “Duck… Duck…” post!
I had to share some baby pics and then our girl now. She is the sweetest addition to our brood and makes us laugh so much.
We call her “plopper” because she sleeps in the most random places; compared to her sister Dosey-Doe whom we affectionately call the “Queen of Sheba” because of all the grand places she chooses to sleep. 😀
Here is Goose today!
Thank you to my sweet husband for spoiling me with our sweet girl. But honestly, I’m glad this year’s surprise was a trip to visit grandparents in Livermore, CA! Great memories, sunshine, and the gift is consolidated to a week. 😉