Six Years of Celebrating: Our Vow Renewal Story

So… this past weekend my husband (and sneaky sister and brother-in-law) set up surprise vow renewal for us.

I was shocked to say the least and you can stay tuned for all the details. 
You know I was really shocked because I reacted just like I did when Benjamin proposed the first time….  Lets just say there was a lot of “no… no…” and backing away before it really sunk in and I said “YES!” to his “proposal” all over again and started to get giddy at the thought of all the surprises the day would hold.

There is so much more to share, but in the meantime I wanted to share more about the “why.” Think of this as “part 1.”

We had never formally decided when or where we would do a vow renewal, but we had mentioned it in passing. This was not the traditional year ten vow renewal or us renewing our vows because they had been broken – both of which are TOTALLY valid reasons to have a renewal.

For us it was a celebration. No pastor, no guests, and it was not a “re-do” of our original day. I did not wear my own original dress, no replica cake or flowers; and for the most part nothing was the same – except the vows.

I don’t want to give too many of the details away yet…. stay tuned…

But here is what I can tell you.
I know more today then yesterday why Benjamin is the one for me. I knew when we were dating, when I said yes to his proposal, and when we said “I do” that he was the one for me. But today I know why. We celebrated that why.

Every day he honors our vows, strives to be better, teaches me, and partners with me in life. We have had plenty of things to work through and incredibly hard life challenges to face together; but we have chosen each other to do life with – for forever.

Every day I am more amazed at who Benjamin is and who I am becoming because of our relationship.

Every day I am blessed that Benjamin is committed to our vows and that I too live them as a daily promise.

Our renewal – at year six – was a celebration.
It was not an all out ceremony and event that caused great stress to plan or execute.
It was not a re-creation.
It was not the same. Because we are not the same.

Just us, on a rock, in the middle of a river. Exchanging our vows again, saying those promises again. And now with history and life that helps give them context.

We laughed.
We cried.
We are excited.
We have great anticipation.
And we have each other.

Here’s to another 6, and another 60 years.

Here are some photos from our engagement and wedding I can share… 
Tonie Christine Photography took these years ago when she was just starting out! 

The full story:

read more about the surprise

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