These little boys have taught me… Adventure is everywhere if only you will let it be. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. Moving, changing, and trying is where life begins. Friendship spans age, ability, and comes in the most unexpected ways. Laughter is the best medicine. Time is our greatest gift. And here […]
Call MY Midwife: Long Overdue Part 2
I’m over a year out from Corban’s home water birth and I’ve neglected this post far too long. After writing about my experience with midwifery in “Call MY Midwife” I promised I would share more specific tips and thoughts I had about home and water birth, so here goes. Thanks to those who have continued […]
Corban Hawk’s Official Birth Announcement – a few months late
Okay so I’m so excited to finally get to share our birth announcement for our sweet Corban Hawk! I’m tickled pink to get to share some of his newborn photos done by Tonie Christine Photography and to celebrate who this sweet boy is becoming. Yes as a third child it wasn’t sent until he was […]
Corban Hawk – Newborn Photos
Corbs is two months old today. I’m just now ordering his birth announcements, I am just now posting his birth story, and just now getting around to sharing his newborn photos. I can’t go without sharing them! He was just around 20 hours old when they were taken and I cannot get over how much […]