We're Thankful For…

We have so much to be thankful for our Thanksgiving Season extended from October 12th until November 27th.

We kicked off our festivities on October 12th by celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving with our small group. Because most of our group travels through the holidays they started a tradition three years ago in order to celebrate together.

So every year we celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner. We are thankful for friends who have become family.

We are thankful for family! On November 21st we spent the evening with Grandma and Grandpa Munson at our home in Poulsbo.

It was such an honor to serve them dinner on the dining table we inherited from them and we shared an evening full of food and laughter – we watched UP, how can Russel not make you laugh!

Then on Tuesday November 23rd we headed to the home of Brad and Monica Duchemin. We rocked the house with their kids Bri and Hunter as we played a rousing game of Guitar Hero.

Bri and Hunter kicked our tails and we’re practicing for next time!

On Wednesday the First Grade Friends sported their homemade Pilgrim hats and ate an incredible feast. They were thankful for things like: water, legos, family, pets, and God’s love.

Alex is so grateful for the First Graders and the joy they bring to her life each and every day. She truly feels like she is doing what God created her to do!

Then off to the Rich Jacobson home for Thanksgiving dinner and the tradition of gingerbread house decorating.

We worked extremely hard on our gingerbread house entry this year and were very proud.

Especially of Ben’s extreme self-control since this is the first year he was unable to eat the frosting or decorating goodies. Not so diabetic friendly. BUT he has had great practice and shows great restraint with his cake creating so this was not so much of a challenge as you might suppose.

At dinner Ben expressed his gratitude for the Virginia Mason study at the Benaroya Reasearch Institute and Alex said she was very grateful for brothers – She’s never had brothers before and Elliot and Luke have become very dear to her.

Our Thanksgiving Season concluded with a trip to the Duchemin’s for Thanksgiving with family, old friend Dougie from Ireland, and new friends Aaron and David.

Thankful for the simple things – laughter, food and being able to eat, family, friendship, time together, and gaining a better understanding of ourselves an others are what the Duchemins are thankful for. What a blessing they are to us.

So very much to be thankful for: friends who are like family; work; time with those we love; and life’s simplest gifts like health.

A year of thankfulness!

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