Tracie Peterson’s third book in the “Heart of the Frontier“ series does not disappoint! I read Treasured Grace, Beloved Hope (review here) and now the third installment Cherished Mercy.
If I thought I couldn’t love these three sisters more, I was wrong. As Peterson continues the story of Grace, Hope, and now Mercy I find myself even more enthralled by their stories and entwined in their lives. This is my favorite of the three so far; I laughed, cried, and texted several girlfriends to tell them to pick up the series. I loved the historical context and the light shed on race relations in the times.
For whatever reason I relate best to Mercy. She truly has a heart of gold, and despite several twists in the plot, including some unexpected turns, she is resilient and strong. I like her.
The Heart of the Frontier is a fantastic series, and I’m just crossing my fingers that Peterson continues the story with Faith and where her story might take us next.
Thanks to Bethany House Publishers for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.