Today for lunch we did something special. We have cousins visiting from out of town and we have a special family tradition of doing a pancake feed whenever they visit. When my parents got married in Texas 35 years ago they honeymooned on a dude ranch, and one morning the cook made them delicious pancakes. They asked him for the recipe and those pancakes have been affectionately called “Honeymoon Hotcakes” ever since.
Whenever our cousins come to visit we do a big Honeymoon Hotcake feed and everyone is involved in the cooking. My sweet niece and nephew made a special request to come and go to the beach with my boys and make Honeymoon Hotcakes with Auntie Wendy. It is so special that these traditions extend beyond even my kids to all their cousins! I want to be that Auntie that fills her table with yummy food and kids just come running.
Here’s a video from today’s adventures in Honeymoon Hotcakes.
I love this video my dad made a few years back and you can see how much smaller the kids are. Cashel is just a little younger than two years old, the same age as Corban now. We had a few extra cousins three years ago.
Honeymoon Hotcakes often make an appearance when my boys spend the night at Nona and DanDad’s house, or will sometimes be a special “Oh boy we don’t have any idea what were eating for dinner,” breakfast for dinner meal.
You can snag the Honeymoon Hotcakes recipe here. But you see it’s not anything too complicated, although I’ve never had tastier pancakes. What is so special about this recipe is that Honeymon Hotcakes continue to make appearances in my life, and now the lives of my children. Food often times is part of our traditions and I encourage you to think through the simple ways you can bring your family together through generations and food. I am always asking family members to hand write their recipes for me so that I have their actual handwriting tucked away in my recipe box or notebook. I am quick to ask friends or family members or even family members of friends for their recipes. (Thanks Judy for always humoring me!) They quickly become special reminders of loved ones and trigger all kinds of memories.

What recipes do you incorporate in your family traditions?
For dinner I making a Pampered Chef Turkey Cranberry Braid. It’s a favorite seasonal dinner of mine. Especially right after Thanksgiving when you have fresh turkey to use up those yummy leftovers.
You can also use the recipe and make something like a cheddar chicken broccoli braid, taco braid, or really anything is yummy stuffed inside.
On a side note, regarding breakfast, we are ditching eggs at breakfast for a while. The boys need a change so they are going off the option list for a while. When given them the option of eggs they always seem to pick them, but they’re not eating them.
Stay tuned for a post about food and community tomorrow.