So I took weekly fruits and veggies photos while pregnant with Cashel and it was SO much fun. See the whole “story” here. With this pregnancy I decided to do some weeks as a comparison photo (using Cashel’s toys or whatever might be handy that was about the right size) and rotate with photos of […]
Prepping for Number Two
This is definitely a useful post for you if you are expecting a child, but I will preface it with that this post is primarily for ME! For my own records and for “next time.” So be prepared for “practical and personal.” 🙂 Finding myself in “nesting mode.” It hit and then I got the […]
TTC Series: Conflicted
So most recently in my Trying to Conceive (TTC) Series I have shared “The end of one chapter” “Our Grief Process” and then as part of a new chapter “Is this Real?” and “Sharing our good fortune with Benjamin” – what a juxtaposition of emotion. I truly can’t speak to all trying to conceive situations, no […]
TTC: sharing our good fortune with Benjamin
Oh my goodness. Could this be true. I stared at that test. Stared. And then thought, how will I tell Ben? It’s got to be good. He’s at work, I have time. My mind started racing. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to tell him in a fortune cookie. We got a […]