transparency and authenticity….
two words i use to describe myself. two things i strive for.
i’m truly an open book and VERY rarely will you ask me a question i won’t answer. in fact i can’t think of time when i refrained from answering someone’s question.
i am part of a women’s group we affectionately call “Women & Wine,” and i’m amazed at how God has answered my prayers for connectedness with other women. i didn’t even know what i was missing when i asked. i love how God works through prayer that way.
yesterday our pastor talked about prayer and just got back to the basics. he said, ‘god is answering our prayers, it just might not be in the way or the time that we expected.’ and it rang so true with me. i’ve heard it a million times, but i needed to hear it again.
this group, these women, have become part of who i am. we share openly and freely, we cry, we laugh, we don’t hold back and the words “authentic” and “transparent” are our mottos. it strikes me to my core each week when we get a group of women together who leave drama behind, are real, honest, and challenge each other to be more like Christ. we aren’t perfect and that is the beauty of the group. quoting a dear friend of mine, many of us are just a ‘hot mess.’ but that’s what makes the group so perfect.
i love how god works.
i love how he knows us so much better then we even know ourselves.
i am so thankful for the diversity and beauty in our group. we range in age 18-62 and are constantly challenging each other to think critically, pray, rely on Him, pour into others, serve in our churches and community, develop relationships, grow and to be honest and real with ourselves and others.
we have so many great lines we use,
‘it’s not about me…’
‘victims don’t get well…’
‘change the script in your mind… change your life…’
the list can go on, each week i leave feeling refreshed and renewed. this group was formed prayerfully and each time we invite a new face i’m amazed at how god designed us for each other. we are building a community of support, and love. we are some lucky women.
thank you ladies of W&W.
in honor of St. Patrick’s Day approaching here is an Irish Blessing that reminded me of us!
“Here’s to me, and here’s to you.
And here’s to love and laughter.
I’ll be true as long as you.
And not one moment after.”