Tonight I am bone tired. If you watch my Insta stories you know why. Rainy days at my house or just that much more crazy. So today’s post will be brief. These breakfast cookies are a recipe I pull out of my body back pocket periodically and my kids (tend to) devour them… Not always but most the time. Recipes that have that in the description are keepers at my house.
I pulled these out of the freezer, and had them waiting for the kids when they woke up. Winning at life!
Another reason I like this recipe is that it’s flexible. Take out the chocolate chips, and add dried fruit or nuts, gluten free or not gluten free… You can make them work for you. Just experiment…
We also freeze these and warm them up by setting them on top of the toaster or a hot cup of coffee.
Tonight was community dinner at our local brewery and I threw together a curry to share. I used a Costco Indian curry as the base, added a can of coconut milk, and then threw in some cooked carrots and roasted cauliflower from last night, along with some premade chicken I had from a day or two ago. It was a total hit! And of the two flavors in the two-pack from Costco this one is not spicy, so the kids will love it! No leftovers this time, but I will definitely use this in the future for a quick dinner. I’m certain I could hide some other veggies in it too. I love making my own curry, but these well-developed flavors and the genuine ease, make this a for sure repeatable dinner at our house.
Last night I made a shepherds pie. I love this dish because it’s so warm and cozy, perfect for fall, and I can use what I have on hand. This time I used a Italian seasoned ground turkey. Although it wasn’t my favorite, we all ate it and liked it. My favorite is ground beef with some sautéed onions and garlic. I love tossing in green beans and corn. You can really use any veggies you have on hand. We always top with brown gravy ( I use a mix from Costco) and then creamy, full fat mashed potatoes.
Last night I made a yummy roasted cauliflower side dish. Check out that recipe here. I’ll be using it again! Easy and tasty.