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So this series all began with a book – “Bread & Wine” by Shauna Niequist. I truly beg you to read it. Maybe food just isn’t your thing. Maybe it is. Maybe you are just a people person. Maybe you are conversation person. Maybe you are a life long learner… Read it. These are her […]
Be used stoneware to bake up some bacon and then after dicing up a bunch of russet potatoes we drizzled them with bacon grease. This was great for flavor but since russet potatoes have a lot of moisture they were a tad soggy and not as crispy as we would have wanted. Oh bacon grease! […]
As part of our Friday night breakfast for dinner we included some “Fancy Scrambled Eggs.” My two year old eats an egg almost every morning for breakfast and I’m hoping to get myself a small cast iron pan to cook them in. We made these in a medium sized skillet and wanted them more filling […]
Last night we gathered at “Best Friend Bethany’s” house for a Friday night dinner. This is a bit of a “family” tradition. Both Best Friend Bethany and I examine our pantries and come up with a meal we can cooperatively put together. We eat late – like really late, put our 6 babies (our 2 […]