Cashel, Camper, and Corban are my #StoryOfMotherhood. It is these three boys who give me the title of “mom.” They’re the only people in the world who can call me that… It is through Cashel’s eyes that I have learned “adventure is out there.” It is Camper who has taught me to treasure my own sibling relationships as he treasures his brothers. At just four months old Corban has brought me more joy and more smiles than I thought humanly possible.
After years of trying to get pregnant and a heartbreaking miscarriage of our “Baby J” these miraculous little boys have taught me so much. Motherhood is the greatest gift – besides marrying their dad – I have ever received. It is also something that teaches me more about myself as an individual each and every day.
Cashel daily exclaims “I love you mom. I get a point.” (At our house we “get a point” if we are the first to say I love you.) My sweet and sensitive Camper will look me square in the face and say “you’re a lucky Momma…” and “snuggle me Momma?” My pleasure son! When I walk in the room Corban’s whole body smiles, I didn’t even know you could smile with your body!
They have taught me that hurts take time to heal; that when we face disappointments in life it’s okay because we have each other; and through these boys I have learned to laugh at myself. Daily I am growing and learning for their sake, and my own. Motherhood has taught me that while I have absolutely no control, I have great influence.
This mother’s day I am reflecting on their births and lives, and reminded of our hopes for each of the boys. My heart is full and I am so grateful as I recognize that not every person who longs to be a parent gets to be, that many parents are missing their children today, and that I have seen that deep desire fulfilled in these precious boys. I treasure motherhood for them and for myself, recognizing that it is a true gift. My first moments with each boy…
Cashel 2012
Camper 2014
Corban 2015
Cashel 2012
Camper 2014
Corban 2015
1 Comment
Just beautiful Alex.