Written October 14, 2011
I took a pregnancy test this morning and it said “pregnant!”
I am in shock.
We are waiting a month or so to tell our families and until at least Christmas for the rest of “the world,” but I just had to write and share the news. Even if I don’t post it write away.
I found out at 10:00 this morning that I am pregnant, and had my husband out on our usual walk into downtown by 10:45. It’s a beautiful sunny day here.
I asked if we could stop by the local used book store and sent him on a mission looking for books for my classroom. I found the Women’s Health section and picked up “The Baby Book” there. When I walked back over to my hubby he had found two of the books I was “looking for.” As he handed them to me I said, “Wow, nice babe.” “Let me see them…. here…. will you hold this for me.” I handed him the HUGE “Baby Book” and on top was a ClearBlue Digital Pregnancy test that read “pregnant.” He looked confused by the baby book but then quickly you could see him look closely at the test, do a double take, and there was a HUGE smile that followed. In the quiet little book store we started to jump up and down, laugh, cry, and hug. Too fun!
Just had to share with someone.
At this point your prayers would be appreciated for health and safety for the baby. (Feels so good to type that.)
Trusting Him,
Alex, Ben, and “Baby J”
This last picture is how we told our best friends Bethany and Ryan Hickner. They were the first people we told and there was so much excitement. They had given us the baby Tom’s back in August when they had returned from San Fransisco – they lived there for 8 months. It was their “gift of faith” and to let us know they were praying for us. So… we came to dinner tonight, and brought in an adult sized shoe box with us. Inside held the two tests and the baby sized shoe box holding the Toms. We told them it was for “adult fun” later after the kids went to bed. They made all kinds of assumptions so literally the moment they put the kids down Bethany raced to the box and said, “Okay what’s in this box!” She opened it up… looked shocked… and I urged her to bring it over to Ryan to see the contents. When he looked they started jumping up and down, screaming. Then the kids were out of bed and we had to explain the noise. 🙂
The best ever.